Positive? Or INFECTED??? Bullies Are Not Positive. October is Bullying Prevention Month
With a Degree in Sociology, I've always been more than a casual observer of the interaction of Individuals in Groups of People.
During the 2016 Presidential Debates, I think there was a novelty aspect to the stunning Train-wreck of the Media Circus that could not look away from the Name-Calling, Personal Attacks & Bullying Tactics of the "Real President" who still screams about "Fake News."
Most people assumed that there was NO WAY that this man would be able to Bully his way onto the Republican Ticket.
He did.
I think most Americans assumed, there is NO WAY that this Bully could manage to "Win" his way into the White House.
He did.
And in stunned disbelief, on January 21, 2017 millions of WOMEN took to the streets in a World-Wide, GLOBAL PEACEFUL PROTEST, the Women's March, to protest the theft of an Election by a man we all consider to be a BULLY.
So many of us were inspired to take additional Action.
WOMEN ran for Elected Office like never before - & they WON.
Others began Political Action Groups to Organize & Mobilize Civic Participation of ordinary Citizens.
And me?
On July 4th, 2017 I published my Book "Yes, I'd Like to Thank the Academy: How to Tame the Red Carpet in YOUR Office" on Amazon.
And on August 26th, 2016 On Women's Equality Day, I opened this Web Page.
The Prevention of BULLYING has been front & center as one of my primary issues since long before the Presidential Election of 2016.
In 2009, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Washington, D.C. designated Bullying as a Health Crisis, both on the part of the bully & the bullying victim.
When the American public has become so desensitized to name-calling & other bullying-type behaviors that this country can elect the biggest bully on the planet as our Commander-In-Chief, we can say this is true.
So this image is from my Facebook. The point of sharing this is not to say "hey look at me" (and quite frankly it is not that great of a picture)
This is about ending BULLYING & speaks to just how long I've been trying to HELP.
Anyone else remember the ABC show "Extreme Makeover Home Edition" with Ty Pennington?
This episode was in honor of Sirdeaner Walker's son who killed himself due to extreme BULLYING. This child was literally Bullied to Death. This has GOT to stop
So this year, in the Era of Covid-19, I've been watching with sad amusement as everyone is twisting themselves into pretzels in terms of how they SPEAK about Covid-19 Testing.
100% of nobody wants to Test Positive - that would mean that they're Infected.
People NEED to Test Negative as confirmation that they are still Healthy & Not Sick.
So how do people express that in a "Positive" way???
You begin by reading "Yes, I'd Like to Thank the Academy: How to Tame the Red Carpet in YOUR Office."
#BullyingPreventionMonth #ApprenticePresident #UnChristianLikeBehavior #SeparationOfChurchAndState #SupremeCourt #NoConfirmationBeforeInauguration #EqualRightsAmendment #Election2020 #VoteBlue
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