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  • Writer's picturelisaannettestanley

Publish the Equal Rights Amendment for Human Rights Day 2023

The War on Women from both Political Parties continues in the US with President Biden & Vice President Harris REFUSING to publish the legally-Ratified Equal Rights Amendment.

Now, at the Holiest time of year for two of the three major World Religions with Christmas around the corner & the Jewish Hanukkah already underway, the Hamas Muslims are again at War in the Holy Lands of the West Bank & Gaza

December 10 is recognize globally by the International Community as Human Rights Day.

This year in 2023 it is the 75th Anniversary, but WHAT DO AMERICAN WOMEN have to Celebrate?

Christianity begins with the belief that the Virgin Mary gave Birth to our Savior without knowing a man - the Immaculate Birth of Jesus at Christmas, yet Mother Mary has all but been ERASED within the Protestant Denominations & in Secular and Pop Culture by saying "Merry Christmas" instead of MARY Christmas.

Ironic & INFURIATING as the state of Texas is once again leading the ATTACK ON PREGNANT WOMEN seeking an Abortion.


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