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Publish the Equal Rights Amendment for Women's Equality Day

#v4e, #WomensEqualityDay, #AmericaLetHillaryClintonDown, #EqualRightsAmendment

UPDATE. Publish the Equal Rights Amendment for Women's Equality Day.

Publish the Equal Rights Amendment for Women's Equality Day

Publish the Equal Rights Amendment for Women's Equality Day

Publish the Equal Rights Amendment for Women's Equality Day

Publish the Equal Rights Amendment for Women's Equality Day

Publish the Equal Rights Amendment for Women's Equality Day

Publish the Equal Rights Amendment for Women's Equality Day

UPDATE: On This Day on August 26th, 2016 in the midst of all the BULLYING on the Presidential Campaign Trail, I had had about enough & officially opened this webpage to join the fight for Equal Rights for WOMEN.

It is the entire reason for the existence of this page & publication of my Book, "Yes, I'd Like to Thank the Academy: How to Tame the Red Carpet in YOUR Office."

Women's Equality Day, is the recognition of the signing of the 19th Amendment granting Women the Right to Vote.

In January of 2020, Virginia became the 38th State to Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment into their State's Constitution, yet the National Archivist is refusing to Publish the Amendment into the United States constitution - keeping the rights of American Women in limbo.

Women are still discriminated against as a CLASS OF PEOPLE to this day.

The date was chosen to commemorate the day in 1920 when Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby signed the proclamation granting American women the constitutional right to vote.

[1] In 1971, following the 1970 nationwide Women's Strike for Equality,[2] and again in 1973, as the battles over the Equal Rights Amendment continued, Congresswoman Bella Abzug of New York introduced a resolution to designate August 26 as Women’s Equality Day.[3]

On August 16, 1973, Congress approved H.J. Res. 52, which stated that August 26 would be designated as Women's Equality Day and that "the President is authorized and requested to issue a proclamation in commemoration of that day in 1920 on which the women in American were first guaranteed the right to vote".[4]


Voting Rights are a good start.

Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment into the US Constitution would protect Women from Discrimination of all kinds - including the war on Women in Pop Culture - on a Federal Level.

This morning on Women's Equality Day 2021, dozens of Women's Organizations & thousands of Women from across the Country are Rallying together on the steps of the Supreme Court in support of making the Equal Rights Amendment the Law of the Land.

And this will be my last official post for a while as I am going back to Medicare for this Open Enrollment Season.

Income Inequality for WOMEN was my #1 deciding factor to do this & this page is still not making money - it is COSTING ME MONEY,

I opened this webpage On This Day, August 26, 2016 with this post

It wasn't much of a post but that same day I built the Home Page & the first 3 pages of this Multi-Page site. It was a massive undertaking.

I spent the next 7 months writing my Amazon EBook, "Yes, I'd Like to Thank the Academy: How to Tame the Red Carpet in YOUR Office," published on July 4, 2017 & available below.

In it, I present ideas on how to Stop Bullying, Prejudice & Discrimination of all kinds

Click the image below to Read Now.

$7 Digital Download.

Yes, I'd Like to Thank the Academy: How to Tame the Red Carpet in YOUR Office

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