Put WOMEN in the Constitution 4 Constitution Day. Publish ERA
UPDATE. The US has been in a Constitutional Crisis since Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment as the 28th Amendment to our Constitution because the President & Vice President are in DERELICTION OF THEIR DUTY as the Nation's top Executives for FAILURE TO PUBLISH the Equal Rights Amendment that is MANDATED BY LAW under Article 5 of the Constitution.
Publication is CRITICAL for a properly functioning society as it is our ultimate Legal Document & instructs Courts & Judges on how the Law of the Land must be fairly interpreted in Legal matters.
Call your Elected Officials in Washington at 1 (202) 224-3121 & tell them to DEMAND that the President DO HIS JOB & direct the National Archivist to publish the Equal Rights Amendment into the Constitution.
The Equal Rights Amendment, written by National Women's Party Leader, Alice Paul in 1923 is only 24 short words long & states that:
"Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex."
With the ERA published into an updated Constitution, discrimination against WOMEN would be illegal under the Equal Rights Amendment, but BOTH POLITICAL PARTIES are fighting tooth & nail to prevent Women from achieving CONSTITUTIONAL EQUALITY for the first time ever.
Without the Equal Rights Amendment, the only Constitutionally-guaranteed Right that Women have is the Right to Vote under the 19th Amendment & we can be SLANDERED WITH IMPUNITY with Hate Speech in Rap Music - the VERY DEFINITION of Discrimination on ACCOUNT of Sex.
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