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Ratify the ERA in RBGs Honor. Women's History Month Day 15

The HONORABLE Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsberg viewing the original document for the 19th Amendment at the National Archives

Women's History Month Day 15. Today would have been the 88th birthday of the Honorable Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsberg (1933-2020) On Saturday, she was honored in her hometown of Brooklyn, NY for a lifetime of service to our country with a Bronze Statue.

A life-long champion for Equal Rights for ALL PEOPLE, RBG began her Legal Career facing Gender-Based Discrimination personally, due to the fact that she was a WOMAN.

The HONORABLE Supreme Court Justice RBG has long said that if she could add one Amendment to the US Constitution that she would choose the Equal Rights Amendment.

Sadly, RBG didn't live to see that happen.

This Wednesday on March 17th, Congress will take up the issue on the removal of the Arbitrary Deadline for the Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment.

Both the Feminist Majority & the League of Women Voters have very good out reach resources to contact your Congressional Representative in support of the ERA.

I highly urge you to take action if you haven't already done so.

I did.

Women need protection from HATE SPEECH at the Grammy Awards & in Pop Culture.

Justice Ginsberg once famously said that "it helps to be a little deaf sometimes."

Well I am NOT Deaf.


I hope you're happy. This is a FACT

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