Rewarding Hate Speech in Black Music at the BET Awards is Reverse Racism

ENCORE PRESENTATION. My 2017 EBook, "Yes, I'd Like to Thank the Academy: How to Tame the Red Carpet in YOUR Office," speaks directly to the phenomenon of Rewarding Hate Speech in Black Music.
We hear it in the B.E.T. Awards, the Grammys, the Golden Globe Awards, the MTV Music Video Awards, the Billboard Music Awards, the Academy Awards & on & on & on.
All while "people of color" SCREAM TO THE HIGH HEAVEN about Racial Slurs.
They scream about AntiSemitism
& all kinds of Intolerance, Prejudice & Discrimination while OPENLY ATTACKING WOMEN WITH THE FOULEST HATE SPEECH & SEXIST SLURS YOU CAN IMAGINE
& wait for it............................
While SEXISM & MISOGYNY are REWARDED at Award Shows of all kinds & given MILLION-DOLLAR RECORDING CONTRACTS & are hailed as quote/unquote "Legends" for spewing Hate Speech against WOMEN.
These "artists" then try to hide their Sexism behind the First Amendment & Free Speech - IGNORING the FACT that it is DISCRIMINATION ON ACCOUNT OF SEX.
When we have Elected Officials condoning, sponsoring & endorsing this kind of SEXIST HATE SPEECH, it elevates it to the level of STATE SPONSORED MISOGYNY.
Our soon-to-be out of office Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner STUNNINGLY had this to say on June 27, 2023 on Social Media (Twitter)

To which I rightfully responded (Click Image below for Original Blog Post)
This is not the first time I have called out State Sponsored Misogyny which is basically SLANDEROUS ReverseRacism.*
*Minor push-back on "Reverse" Racism.
Racism is Racism is Racism.
There's no "Reverse" about it.
We can hear this going all the way back to the 1970s smash-hit "Every Day People" by Sly & the Family Stone.
Sometimes I'm right and I can be wrong My own beliefs are in my song The butcher, the banker, the drummer and then Makes no difference what group I'm in I am everyday people, yeah, yeah There is a blue one who can't accept The green one for living with A fat one tryin' to be a skinny one Different strokes for different folks And so on and so on and scooby-dooby-dooby We got to live together I am no better and neither are you We're all the same, whatever we do You love me, you hate me You know me and then You can't figure out the bag I'm in I am everyday people There is a long hair That doesn't like the short hair For being such a rich one That will not help the poor one Different strokes for different folks And so on and so on, scooby-dooby-dooby We got to live together There is a yellow one that won't Accept the black one That won't accept the red one That won't accept the white one Different strokes for different folks And so on and so on and Scooby-dooby-dooby I am everyday people Source: Musixmatch Songwriters: Sylvester Stewart Everyday People lyrics © Mijac Music
I was born in 1961 & the 70s were my jam.
Clearly Americans have not learned this lesson in all 54 years since this first came out in 1969.
Americans need to view the Hate Speech in Black Music not as a First Amendment issue - not as a Free Speech issue, but as a DISCRIMINATION ON ACCOUNT OF SEX issue.
When we change our perception & our point of view, we can CLEARLY see & hear what is going on.
PUBLISH THE EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT TO END DISCRIMINATION ON ACCOUNT OF SEX & stop hiding behind the 1st Amendment. Hate Speech is not Free Speech it is DISCRIMINATION.
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