Some Women Need Abortions: ALL WOMEN NEED EQUALITY. Publish the Equal Rights Amendment.
Historically, Women's Health including Abortion & Birth Control have been used as a DISTRACTION & a polarizing issue that distracts the public from the real issue affecting AMERICAN WOMEN today:
American Women don't have Constitutional Equality.
Without the Equal Rights Amendment the only Constitutionally guaranteed Right we WOMEN have is the Right to Vote
Political Positioning of Religion during 2016 & 2020 Elections & Conservative Christians control of Supreme Court to over-turn Roe/Abortion was goal all along - the EXACT SAME Power Struggle that shaped the Collection of Short Stories known as the Christian Bible.
Sexism & Misogyny have been around since the dawn of time & even with all of our modern advances in every area of life some 2000 years later, WOMEN still face discrimination & prejudice solely because we are WOMEN.