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  • Writer's picturelisaannettestanley

To Do List for First 100 Days. Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment

Yesterday's flurry of Executive Orders by newly Elected President Biden were a good start to undoing the damage done by the previous Administration, but we Feminists are still waiting for the Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment.

The President is such a good & decent man who will have our Country's best interest at heart, but at the end of the day this country has Elected yet another Old White Man as President.

The irony of the Historic First of our First Female Vice President is that she & Senator Klobuchar had both hoped to be the First Madam President.

I first began following Vice President Harris' Career during the Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings for Brett Kavanaugh & was SO IMPRESSED by her Qualifications - she is so very deserving of this Historic First.

This is not to diminish the monumental achievement in the Diversity of the Biden Administration, but to illustrate how far we have yet to go.

A good place to begin is to Publish the Equal Rights Amendment that was Ratified by the State of Virginia in January of last year - the National Archivist was actually blocked by the Trump Administration from Publishing this Constitutional Amendment.

Misogyny is still a massive problem in America.

Publishing the Equal Rights Amendment will go a long way towards helping to level the playing field for Women & Girls.

$7 Digital Download.


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