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  • Writer's picturelisaannettestanley

Under Construction & I Don't Mean Maybe

Starting, Operating & Running a Small Business is hard enough under the best of conditions, particularly when you have a Staff of One.

From Brainstorming to Developing Ideas, the Writing, the Graphic Arts to Product Production,. The Technology, the Funding Raising, the Marketing to Back Office Administration, it all falls to the "CEO."

What a Fancy Title with none of the Benefits.

I have to "LOL" at myself that while that is the designation with the Small Business Administration for anyone who Registers a Small Business, most days I feel like the "CEO of a Broom Closet."

And that's under the best of circumstances.

The entire three years I've been doing have been anything but ideal conditions. This is what I'm currently dealing on top of everything else in the here & now.

So while I consider the change of Web Page Address to be a major inconvenience, I will take it as a Bump in the Road.

This WILL slow me down but it NOT knock me out.

I will likely Post an occasional Blog Post, perhaps Weekly or Monthly, but not until I can begin to make this profitable.

There is still my Course Creation that needs to get done all while dealing with my Homeowner's Crisis.

Creating Content differs from Social Media Likes, Comments & Shares in that it takes about a Nano Second to Click on something someone else has Created.

Making something out of nothing takes time & effort.

It appears to me by quickly glancing at My Web Address & Page Links that all of my Pages did get reassigned the New Address. It is the 3 years worth of Blog Posts that didn't Transfer.

So until I can find the Time to get this sorted out one way or the other, if there's a Blog Post you want to read here's a work-around:

Click the Link as in the Example below

An Error Page will pop -up.

Copy the first part of the New Web Address

Then Paste It in the Address Bar or the URL as shown Below:

I am not so Naïve that I think anyone will actually do this.

We live in a World where people EXPECT Instant Gratification.

But it IS possible.

Until then, if you haven't yet snagged your copy of my E-Book "Yes, I'd Like to Thank the Academy: How to Tame the Red Carpet in YOUR Office" you can do so HERE & I sure would Thank You. $7 Digital Download

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