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  • Writer's picturelisaannettestanley

The Apprentice President. Stop Playing Games With ObamaCARE. Election 2020

As a Health Insurance Agent of 14 years in good standing, who is Duty-Bound by #ETHICS, I could not be more furious about the #ApprenticePresident's repeated & ongoing efforts to Repeal ObamaCARE with No Plan for Replacement.

The Nation's HealthCARE is NOT a Game.

2015 was the last year I Enrolled Insurance for ANY Insurance Company - by choice - MY CHOICE - due to my distress & INFURIATION over the "Quote/Unquote" Spring Training I received at the Regional Corporate Office of one of my Major Medical Health Insurance Companies the following year in 2016:

This Sham of a Training was SO #UNETHICAL & quite frankly No Training at all that I didn't want any part of it.

I'm not sure how I sat there for all 3 hours of it without running screaming from the room.

So once again I am about to be an #UnininsuredHealthInsuranceAgent

With the 3rd & final #PresidentialDebate tonight, I spent the morning not writing this Blog Post, but with a trip to my Primary Care Physician's office to do my Medication Management Review, do Blood Work for a year's-worth of Prescriptions & for Referral's for my annual Mammogram & Well-Woman Visit in preparation for being #UNINSURED.

So I'm feeling like a Pin Cushion at the moment after being poked & prodded all morning long.

And NOT VERY HAPPY about any of this.

Meanwhile, the UNETHICAL Trumplican Senate is probably Voting on the Confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett in preparation for their disgraceful ObamaCARE Lawsuit in November.

(I haven't checked Social Media yet but will be as soon as I post My Post.)

As far as Tonight's Debate - not sure if I will watch or not. Can't stand all of the BULLYING & quite frankly don't want to hear it.

I've already Voted.

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