Aug 25, 2020
Mother Nature??? Can We Stop Humanizing the Weather? Women's Suffrage Centennial
UPDATE. August. The 8th Month of the year. It is always a time of mixed emotions for me with some of the happiest times & some of the...

Aug 24, 2020
Communications Coding, Signing and Signaling. Women's Suffrage Centennial
UPDATE. August. The 8th Month of the year. It is always a time of mixed emotions for me with some of the happiest times & some of the...

Aug 23, 2020
Prohibition on Alcohol. The 18th Amendment, The 19th Amendment & Susan B. Anthony. Women's
Learning how Tennessee became the final State needed to Ratify the 19th Amendment was very eye-opening & really resonated with me as it...

Aug 20, 2020
Broadcast IS My Family History. Women's Suffrage Centennial
As long as we are looking to this Nation's History, I decided to add a Permanent Page in recognition of WHY my inspiration for "Yes, I'd...

Aug 19, 2020
Elizabeth Cady Stanton - Solitude of Self 1892 Address Before Congress. Women's Suffrage Centenn
Universal Suffrage, or Voting Rights for ALL, was THE primary Goal for Elizabeth Cady Stanton. While various Women's Rights efforts had...

Aug 17, 2020
Votes By Mail During Covid-19. Women's Suffrage Centennial
UPDATE. 2020 is the 100th Anniversary for the 19th Amendment that granted WOMEN the Right to Vote. The Equal Rights Amendment has just...

Aug 15, 2020
Say, "Yes I Will Help Fund This Critical Mission to End Bullying." Women's Suffrage Ce
Revolving Door HR is on a Mission to help make this world we all share a more Civilized place to live, but I can’t do it alone. To...

Aug 14, 2020
Numbers Matter. How Long Has This Been Going On? Women's Suffrage Centennial
UPDATE. Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment would protect WOMEN from Hate Speech of all kinds. This year is the Women's Suffrage...

Aug 13, 2020
The Words of a Bully. Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment NOW
UPDATE. I wasn't planning on posting anything today, but the Bully-In-Chief has already attacked Senator Harris & the same insult is...

Aug 12, 2020
Watching Her Wake Up on Her Deathbed. Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment
UPDATE:. The 19th Amendment gave Women the Right to Vote but it doesn't go far enough. Let's celebrate 100 years of voting rights for...