Nov 12, 2018
Rest in Peace Stan Lee
Stan Lee, legendary Co-creator of such ICONIC Comic Book characters as Spiderman & Co-Founder of Marvel Comics, died in Los Angeles at...

Nov 10, 2018
47 Reasons to Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment
UPDATE. Like the color Pink? Pink things make you happy? Me either. Learn to treat PEOPLE as Individuals. People are Individuals. ...

Nov 8, 2018
The Balance Between Rights & Privledge
UPDATE: Can we have a Constitutional Amendment modifying the Second Amendment making gun ownership a privilege & not a right already?...

Nov 7, 2018
Balance of Power Restored in Washington. CONGRATULATIONS Lizzie Fletcher
So HAPPY for Lizzie Fletcher & so sad for Beto this morning. Yesterday's MidTerm Elections were a mixed bag for Texans. This was the...

Nov 6, 2018
Caring For the Caregivers on Election Day
People with Pre-Existing Conditions will have our say on the 2-year Republican attempt to "Repeal & Replace ObamaCARE." Protection for...

Nov 4, 2018
Seeking Corporate Partners, Corporate Sponsors for Civility Project
Seeking Corporate Sponsors, Corporate Partners & Individual Donations to fund the critical mission of ending Bullying. When the biggest...

Nov 1, 2018
13th Amendment, 14th Amendment, Equal Rights Amendment
While Income Inequality for Women remains a HUGE problem and a primary reason for doing what I do, I keep trying to teach that PEOPLE are...

Oct 31, 2018
Born On Friday the 13th. Got Superstitions?
I was born on Friday the 13th, so naturally I've had a life-long fascination with the question, Why is Friday the 13th Unlucky? All of...

Oct 24, 2018
47 Reasons to Vote in the MidTerm Election
UPDATE: Racing to the Polls? Stop Racing & just Vote..Support the INDIVIDUAL CANDIDATES on the Ballot with your INDIVIDUAL VOTE. It's...

Oct 22, 2018
Vote Like Your LIFE Depends On It. I Am a HealthCARE Voter
Early Voting for the Mid-Term Elections begin today. Our most basic right as US Citizens is our Right to Vote. Don't "sit this one out."...