Oct 21, 2018
Repeal And Replace LYIN Ted Cruz. He Does NOT Listen to Us
The #ApprenticePresident and his lynch mob of Bullies will be rallying here in Houston on the first day of early voting, in a desperate...

Oct 20, 2018
Standing With Candidates Outside My District
Of course the Governor's position is State-wide & everyone's District. We do however, have two long-standing ICONIC Houston-area...

Oct 19, 2018
MidTerm Election Early Voting Begins Monday
Early Voting for the MidTerm Election begins Monday October 22 - November 2. So much is at stake, including #ObamaCARE #Medicare...

Oct 14, 2018
Yesterday, I asked for an "Amen GIRLS." Well, here it is. MISOGYNY in the Church has been from the beginning in Genesis 3, & I for one...

Oct 13, 2018
Separation of Church & State. Is it Time for Churches to Pay Their Fair Share of TAXES?
I've been thinking along these lines for a very long time now. Last night, I forgot to set the sleep timer on my TV & was jolted awake at...

Oct 6, 2018
Presumption of Innocence VS Fitness for Office
Senator Susan Collins decision to confirm Judge Brett #KavaNO to sit on the Supreme Court based on a "Presumption of Innocence" appears...

Oct 5, 2018
Snakes. Genesis 3
Misogyny has it's roots in the Bible with Eve being blamed for Original Sin. Genesis 3 details the moment in the Bible when Eve gained...

Oct 4, 2018
47 Reasons to Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment
UPDATE: In the middle of the #SupremeMessInTheSupremeCourt some GENIUS decided to name October FOURTH as "National Taco Day." This is...

Oct 1, 2018
Help Fund This Critical Mission. Give to the Revolving Door Store
Seeking Corporate Sponsors, Corporate Partners & Individual Donations/Investments to fund the critical mission of ending Bullying. When...

Sep 30, 2018
Ethics Reform in the Broadcast Industry
The FACT that a Cartoon Character has made it into the Oval Office PROOVES that the people who need Ethics Training are the TV & Radio...