Jun 1, 2020
2020 is the Centennial Anniversary of Women's Right to Vote Under The 19th Amendment.
UPDATE. On June 4th 1919 the Senate passed the 19th Amendment previously passed by Congress on May 21st of the same year - finally...

May 31, 2020
1st Amendment, Censorship, Free Speech & the History of the Bleep Button
All Laws exist when people cannot or will not Self-Govern, Self-Police or Self-Censor themselves when they speak. Americans are...

May 31, 2020
Respect. Bleeping Profanity at the Grammy Awards
Healing a Nation in pain begins with honest conversations. Last year in 2019, CBS This Morning with Gail King & Nora O'Donnell had a...

May 29, 2020
Yes I'd Like to Thank the Academy Chapter 12 Preview. Deescalation Training: Dispute Resolution
UPDATE. Peaceful Protests should not turn Violent. When a Crime is committed that does NOT legitimize committing additional Crimes....

May 27, 2020
2001 A Space Odyssey. Fixing the Hal 9000
UPDATE. The ISS will be welcoming Astronauts Doug Hurley & Robert Behnken aboard the International Space Station when Space-X launches...

May 25, 2020
Thank You for Your Service to Our Country. Memorial Day 2020
Memorial Day remembrances will be very different this year amid all of the Social Distancing, Mask-Wearing & Staying Home to Save Lives...

May 24, 2020
Thanking Our Brave Service Women for Their Ultimate Sacrifice on Memorial Day
Memorial Day remembrances will be very different this year amid all of the Social Distancing, Mask-Wearing & Staying Home to Save Lives...

May 17, 2020
COBRA, HIPAA & Continuation of Health CARE Coverage
Americans have long had Federal protection from risk of being Uninsured through loss of Employment. Both COBRA & HIPAA allow Employees...

May 15, 2020
Misogyny is a Problem in America. Buy a Book that Actually Helps. On Sale Now
While everyone is Voluntarily Sheltering in Place, now would be a good time to learn something. Buy a Book that actually helps. EBooks...

May 12, 2020
Happy Birthday Florence Nightingale. International Nurse's Day
Thank You Health Care Professionals who are the front lines of protecting the Public Health. With Health care being in the forefront of...