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  • Writer's picturelisaannettestanley

"The Vote: A Conversation on Women’s Suffrage” With Special Guest Secretary Hillary Rodham Clin

This important Documentary Series sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities & produced by the American Experience for the PBS Network, highlights how little is known bout Women's History.

I was so thankful to get the notification for this in time to attend this Virtual Screening & Q&A in real time as it was happening.

With the long struggle to gain that right to vote, I'm still SO sad & VERY upset about those people who threw that precious right away & failed to VOTE in 2016.

Secretary Clinton SHOULD HAVE BEEN our 1st Madam President.

The Verified makeup of Voter & Non-Voter Statistics from the 2016 Presidential Election need to be part of the National Conversation on Race Relations.

When I say ANYONE can be Prejudice, it is not on Opinion - it is a Fact.

Verified Statistics of Non-Voters in 2016 Who Failed to Vote

This very candid conversation on Women's Suffrage & the Right to Vote made me incredibly sad to see & hear that there was a "Suffrage Denier" among the panelists.

Yes, WOMEN DID SUFFER in the fight for the Right to Vote.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton may have been the Mother of the Women's Right Movement, but she wasn't alone.

In the weeks leading up to Women's Equality Day & the 100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment, I will be including conversations about these other Trail-blazing Women like Lucretia Mott, Carrie Chapman Catt, Susan B. Anthony, Alice Paul, Harriet Tubman & Sojourner Truth.

As for the present day 2020, today, July 14, 2020 is Election Day in Texas.

Vote Like Your Life Depends On It...Because It Does, Covid19 Edition

I was among those that Voted Early.

The County Clerk's Office has done an exceptional job making sure Voters Remain Safe & Healthy on this Election Day. I was impressed that the procedures put in place are as good as those seen at our most socially-responsible businesses in the area with respect to Covid-19 measures put in place.

For those heading to the Polls today, try to pick a time of day when it is least likely to be crowded - then go V-O-T-E.

#VoteLikeYourLifeDependsOnIt Because it DOES. #PresidentPineSol is an idiot who is #UnfitForOffice . He put the Public Health at risk by mocking #Covid19 & not taking this seriously.

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