Aug 3, 2018
GerryMANdering Harris County
"Gerry-MAN-dering" was the dirty word of the Harris County primary season. Maps matter. Words matter. NUMBERS matter. Gerrymandering is...

Jul 31, 2018
47 Reasons to Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment
People are Individuals. People are Individuals. People are Individuals. People are Individuals. People are Individuals. People are...

Jul 30, 2018
Help Fund This Critical Mission. Give to the Revolving Door Store
Seeking Corporate Sponsors, Corporate Partners & Individual Donations to fund the critical mission of ending Bullying. When the biggest...

Jul 30, 2018
Enlightening the World Without Pissing Off the Planet
Doublespeak, innuendo & coded language is why the whole world has their nose out of joint. If women don't have Equal Rights in this...

Jul 29, 2018
REAL News. FAKE President
ABC & CBS are still just going at it with "Big Brother" helping "The Bachelor" shop for a wife while the TV-viewing public is stuck in...

Jul 27, 2018
"Taking the Dis Out of Disability with Emotional Intelligence." Because Every Life is a
UPDATE. Mid-Term Elections are right around the corner. #RepealTedCruz #ReplaceJohnCornyn #BetoForSenate #SaveOurCare I was first...

Jul 26, 2018
We Cannot Fix Racism with MISOGYNY: SB4 Written by a MAN
Senate Bill 4, the so-called Sanctuary Cities Bill that rips families apart by deporting Illegal Immigrants - as cruel & inhumane as it...

Jul 25, 2018
ObamaCARE, Trump Cards and Bargaining C.H.I.P.S.
UPDATE. PEOPLE are Individuals. When INDIVIDUALS vote or fail to Vote for SUPERFICIAL REASONS like a NAME, millions of people lose...

Jul 24, 2018
GerryMANdering Harris County
"Gerry-MAN-dering" was the dirty word of the Harris County primary season. Maps matter. Words matter. NUMBERS matter. Gerrymandering is...

Jul 23, 2018
47 Reasons to Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment
People are Individuals. People are Individuals. People are Individuals. People are Individuals. People are Individuals. People are...