Dec 1, 2018
Bi-Partisan Spirit. Rest in Peace Bush 41
UPDATE: President George H.W. Bush has died at the age of 94. Death knows no Political Party or Gender or Race or Ethnicity. Thank You...

Nov 27, 2018
Giving Tuesday. Seeking Corporate Partners, Corporate Sponsors for Civility Project
This Giving Tuesday UNselfie yourself & invest in Small Business. Seeking Corporate Sponsors, Corporate Partners & Individual Donations...

Nov 26, 2018
1st Amendment. ABC Disney's Major Tom Channel: Normalizing Obscenity
UPDATE. While Nicolas Roeg who died this weekend may not have been a household name, David Bowie was. Now is the time to push for...

Nov 22, 2018
Giving Thanks
"Over the River and through the woods, to Grandmother's house we go." Even on the By-year with the In-Laws there is much to be Thankful...

Nov 21, 2018
Shop With Emotional Intelligence this Small Business Saturday
UPDATE: Small Business Saturday falls on 11/24 this year. Heading into the holiest time of year on the Christian Calendar, give yourself...

Nov 18, 2018
Thankful to Keep the Peas While Passing the Potatoes
UPDATE: This Thanksgiving, quickly learn to keep the peas while passing the potatoes to that loved one with differing political views....

Nov 17, 2018
Material Misrepresentation of Facts. Slander With Actual Malice
First Amendment guarantees Free Speech & Freedom of the Press, but there remain certain types of speech that are not protected by the...

Nov 16, 2018
Racially-Insensitive Nothing Burger in Politics
UPDATE: People are INDIVIDUALS. Given the disgraceful attack on Women this week by Texas Hamburger chain WhatABurger,this statement...

Nov 15, 2018
Yes, I'd Like to Thank the Academy How to Tame the Red Carpet in YOUR Office
Win a CMA at the Country Music Awards yesterday? Me neither. Thankfully I work from the comfort of my own home where I won't have to...

Nov 14, 2018
Enlightening the World Without Pissing Off the Planet
UPDATE: Doublespeak, innuendo & coded language is why the whole world has their nose out of joint. If women don't have Equal Rights in...