May 24, 2018
Help Fund This Critical Mission. Give to the Revolving Door Store
Seeking Corporate Sponsors, Corporate Partners & Individual Donations to fund the critical mission of ending Bullying. When the biggest...

May 23, 2018
United We Stand. Time to Get Behind Our Candidates
Now that the primaries have been decided, each Political Party has ONE JOB TO DO: make sure our party wins on Election Day in November. ...

May 22, 2018
Vote, Vote, VOTE Them Out
The Texas Democratic Primary that will decide who takes on the Republicans in November for the Mid-Term Elections continues today. Had it...

May 21, 2018
Is Our US Constitution Outdated? The Balance Between Rights & Privilege
The 1st Amendment. The 2nd Amendment. And all the way down the Bill of Rights. Is it time for a massive major over-haul of the Us...

May 20, 2018
Are You OK? You've Been Shot in the Head
Moral Standards in the US are under attack by our own Constitutionally-protected 1st Amendment "right to Free Speech" & have given rise...

May 19, 2018
Balancing a Good News Bad News Day
Living vicariously through the lives of TV actors is part of how this country "elected" a Cartoon Character to the highest office in our...

May 17, 2018
My Recent Foray into Houston's Own Little Africa
Houston is one of the most wonderfully diverse cities in the Nation. From Harwin Street where I first got my Insurance License in 2006...

May 16, 2018
Enlightening the World Without Pissing Off the Planet
Doublespeak, innuendo & coded language is why the whole world has their nose out of joint. If women don't have Equal Rights in this...

May 15, 2018
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May 14, 2018
Feminist Toolkit, Links & Resources
Connect. Shop. Learn. Grow with like-minded Feminist Resources & organizations from around the Web. https://www.revolvingdoorhr.com/fe...