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  • Writer's picturelisaannettestanley

NOW. About Those Numbers. 1984??? The Largest Minority on the Planet

Today is 8/24. Eight Twenty Four. OUCH. This hurts ME. I am always astounded when I meet other women who say to me, "but I Love my Husband."

Well Gee, that's Nice.


Misogyny is a problem & need to stop

Misogyny has got to stop

I think George Orwell's 1984 is the most loving gift one woman can give another woman in my opinion.


It is so much more than "Big Brother is watching."


I was in college in 1984 & this book was required reading. I still have my original copy from 30 years ago.


It is about a backwards world where "up is down, left is right & right is WRONG."


In the last 10 or so years, I've gone back & re-read it in my "free-time" (whatever that is) & practically had blood gushing from my eyes & ears at what I was seeing & hearing.


In our modern day world where everyone is so worried about being "politically correct" & not wanting to insult or hurt someone's feelings, I feel hurt & INSULTED 24 times a day:


2:48 am

3:48 am

& again at




Actually more than 24 TIMES a day - but some people will hear what I'm saying. (God knows it took me 30 years "to get it.")


Do we LOVE our mothers, daughters & sisters or do we H8TE them, girls???


In a Politically Correct World, it seems to me that we need to stand up for the largest Minority Group on the planet: our women & girls.

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