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  • Writer's picturelisaannettestanley

BlobFish is Hate Speech

Every CRITICAL Social issue this country now faces could have been prevented by Electing our 1st Female President: Immigration, Gun Control, Health Care.

Quick show of hands, how many people of color voted to make history in 2016 ?

That's what I thought.

YOU might be PREJUDICE against a WHITE WOMAN.

Stunning that #TexasSouthernUniversity & the Mayor of the City of Houston could embrace an attack on FISH - insulting WOMEN for Father's Day all while celebrating #Juneteenth. #BlobFishBasketball is #HateSpeech against WOMEN as a CLASS OF PEOPLE. This is #MISOGYNY So insulting.

#BlobFishForPresident #BlobFishIsHateSpeech #Misogyny

We need the Equal Rights Amendment & we need it NOW.

#EqualRightsAmendment #ImpeachDonaldTrump #AmericaLetHillaryClintonDown

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