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  • Writer's picturelisaannettestanley



UPDATE: HAPPENING NOW. PreExisting Conditions are under attack in a Fort Worth courtroom this morning. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton plans to rip Life-Saving Coverage for Pre-Existing Conditions from of millions of Americans who will die without these important provisions afforded by Obamacare. Chipping away at Obamacare, which is the Health Insurance of last resort for people who are not on Medicaid, Medicare or Employer-Provided Benefits at their job, is the first step in eroding ALL KINDS of Insurance.

Backpacks are a common sight this time of year, with the start of Back to School

What you can't see is what's inside this one.

This is my only grandson. This is the face of a child with a PreExisting Condition.

Solomon's backpack isn't filled with books & crayons & paper. His backpack is a LIFE SUSTAINING MOBILITY TOOL, in place of an IV pole. This backpack carries his PRESCRIPTION FOOD.


Hopefully by the Grace of God Solomon will live to adulthood.

If he is graced by the gift of life, he may face being "Uninsurable." He may face outrageously unaffordable premiums. He may have a Lifetime Limit put on his care if he is even offered Coverage at all.#SaveOurCare <3

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