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  • Writer's picturelisaannettestanley


Rare Disease Day. Prescription FOOD. Intravenous Liquid Diet

The Mid-Term Election is right around the corner. The biggest part of the National Debate over Health CARE is how to pay for it. The Federal Budget has enough funding NOW to provide Health CARE for ALL US Citizens. It is a question of values & priorities.

My only Grandchild has a PreExisting Condition: all but 15% of his Intestines were SURGICALLY REMOVED DUE TO MEDICAL MALPRACTICE. He was maimed for life by his Physicians & this is how he gets the bulk of his nutrition. He loves food & can eat food like the rest of us, but it doesn't stay in his system long enough for proper digestion & absorption to support life.

All of the Republican attempts to "Repeal & Replace ObamaCARE" have me motivated like nobody's business to #RepealTedCruz #ReplaceJohnCornyn vote for #TeamLizzie #VotePennyShaw4HarrisCountyCommissionerPrecinct4 & #LupeValdezForGovernor in this year's Mid-Term Election.

The State of Texas, whose current Governor is the very definition of a person with a #PreExistingCondition continues to lead the way in a DISGRACEFUL ATTACK ON HEALTHCARE.

More thoughts on the Federal Budget & Taxes

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