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  • Writer's picturelisaannettestanley

Giving Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving

"Over the River and through the woods, to Grandmother's house we go." Even on the By-year with the In-Laws there is much to be Thankful for. Yes, even with that empty chair at the table, we speak a Blessing for all that we have.

Not everyone is as lucky as we are in this country.

We are thankful as we speak a Blessing over our food that we CAN eat.

We are Thankful for Health and pray for those with medical difficulties.

We are Thankful for Life, Liberty & the pursuit of Happiness & we Pray for those with differing beliefs.

We are Thankful for the Blessings of loved ones who are in our presence.

We are thankful that those empty chairs will be filled again next year when it is our turn.

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