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  • Writer's picturelisaannettestanley

Separation of Church & State. Is it Time for Churches to Pay Their Fair Share of TAXES?

Separation of Church & State. Is it Time for Churches to Pay Their Fair Share of TAXES?

UPDATE. Today is April 15th. Income Tax Day. It is also Holy Week as Easter falls in April this year.

Does the #ApprenticePresident appearing on the Church Channel look like Separation of Church & State to you??? And where is the Democratic response to this Propaganda???

ObamaCARE & how to pay for the Nation's health are still front & center on the campaign trail.

Do you think taxing churches & organized religion might be a way to pay for the Nation's health???


I've been thinking along these lines for a very long time now. Last night, I forgot to set the sleep timer on my TV & was jolted awake at 3am by some Televangelist encouraging Sacrificial Giving by Credit Card, telling people not to worry about incurring Credit Card Debit - that God would amplify their gift.


My reaction?

Where is my Remote Control. Turn that shit off - & give it one of these

Last Saturday, while Republicans were busy ramming a questionable pick for the Supreme Court down the throats of the American people, my church I was Baptized in was giving Holy Communion at the Capital One Arena in Washington DC "washing away the SINS OF CORRUPT POLITICIANS."

The Church may forgive them, God may forgive them, but I CANNOT.

  • Virtually every one of these Televangelists have Tax-Exempt Status - they pay ZERO TAXES.

  • They all hire very few actual employees with a paycheck, depending on Volunteer Workers - "modern-day Slave Labor."

  • They all go on "Mission Trips" to foreign countries. This year it's very much in vogue for the Mega Churches to go to Israel.

Are you sitting there telling us you want the American people to fund your vacation, volunteer to be your slave labor and turn a blind eye to the fact that Organized Religion PAYS NO TAXES???


Mega-Churches have plenty of Mission Work that can be done IN THIS COUNTRY.

So thoroughly DISGUSTED with the church right now.

Can I get an "Amen" GIRLS???

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