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Protection From H8te Speech. Ratify the ERA Now. Women's History Month

Equal Rights Amendment

UPDATE. A record number of WOMEN vying for the 2020 Democratic Presidential Primary have just dropped out of the running. We are down to two choices for the Presidential nominee, once again both Men.

With the Media's openly MISOGYNISTIC attacks on WOMEN that have colored the Opinion of the TV-Watching Public, is it any wonder that we cannot Elect a QUALIFIED Female Candidate to the Highest Office in our land?

Is there some reason these women couldn't win enough votes from the public to remain viable?

Could it be the Slander of an ENTIRE CLASS OF PEOPLE, namely WOMEN???

The 1st Amendment that gives Americans Free Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of the Press & the right for Peaceful Assembly has it's limitations, including limitations on speech that is considered Slanderous.

Journalism Majors are required to study Libel Law, which is why I keep harping on Misogynist Attack Ads on TV towards women.

Remedies for Slander, defined as harm to one's reputation, include suing for monetary damages.

These attack ads, generally focusing on MILK are holding an entire class of people up to public scorn, implying that drinking MILK is responsible for giving people GAS.

Gas makes people happy, doesn't it?


This is WHY we need Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment.

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