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Separation of Church & State. Women's History Month

Mary Magdalene on IMDB.  Recommended Viewing for Easter

Easter is around the corner. The Holiest time on the Christian Calendar.

With everyone sheltering in place & staying home during the Global Covid-19 Crisis, this will be the #1 Movie on my Recommended Viewing list.

Mary Magdalene may very arguably be the most important yet most maligned woman in the Bible, planting the seeds of MISOGYNY in the Bible itself;

In fact, Mary Magdalene may well be the 1st Christian, as the one who discovered our Lord was Risen.

Easter, not Christmas is the BASIS OF CHRISTIANITY.

That having been said NOT ALL AMERICANS ARE CHRISTIAN. Our Country is home to Hindus & Buddhists & Muslims & Sikhs & Atheists, yet most of our Official Holidays are Christian.

Yesterday, the Apprentice President went before the cameras again with a Presidential statement on the latest Covid-19 News. He went on endlessly about opening the country back up in time for Easter.

I nearly fell out of my chair.

The "Charismatic Great Deceiver" that is the Biblical Anti-Christ is said to arise from the World Of Politics, bringing about Armageddon.

The first act as "President" was when the Apprentice President set out to move the American Embassy in Israel.

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