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Thank You for Your Service to Our Country. Memorial Day 2020

1943 First Group of Female Marine Recruit Candidates. National Archives

Memorial Day remembrances will be very different this year amid all of the Social Distancing, Mask-Wearing & Staying Home to Save Lives during the Global Covid-19 Health Crisis.

Recognized on the last Monday of the year, Memorial Day Observances are a time for Americans to reflect on the lives of our Service Members who gave the ultimate sacrifice.

Texas WASPs, July 19, 1943. National Archives

This year, we also remember the Health Care Heroes on the front lines of the new war on the Public Health from an unseen enemy: the Virus that causes Covid-19.

Gloved, Masked Doctor in Covid-19 PPE

Most Official Memorial Day Observances are closed to the Public this year due to Public Health Safety efforts to contain the spread of Covid-19.

With the Death Toll of Americans who have died from the Corona Virus nearing 100,000, as so simply & eloquently put by the New York Times, the White House has FINALLY ordered Flags to be flown at Half Mast.

White House Flag at Half Mast for Covid-19

So many have Sacrificed so much for our Freedoms, yet Freedom is not Free. The Freedoms we enjoy today were paid for with the Sacrifice of our Veterans.

We can honor them by Sacrificing our Memorial Day Get-Togethers for Hamburgers & Hot Dogs to Save Lives.

Happy Memorial Day.

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