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Be 4 Equality. Ratify the ERA. Women's History Month Day 22

Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment
“League of Women Voters Poster, 1920 ,” Document Bank of Virginia

ENCORE PRESENTATION. The House of Representatives voted last week to remove the arbitrary 7 year deadline for the Equal Rights Amendment to be ratified & now goes to the Senate.

The 27th Amendment was the last time that our Constitution was amended in 1992 WITH NO TIME LIMIT RESTRICTIONS PLACED ON ITS' RATIFICATION.

#WOMEN NEED Ratification of the #EqualRightsAmendment, the reauthorization of the #ViolenceAgainstWomenAct of 1994 AND a #HateSpeechBill to protect WOMEN from #HateSpeech at the #Grammy Awards.

In January of 2020, Virginia became the needed 38th State for Ratification. Let's make this happen.



It's about Inclusion, not Exclusion. It is TIME to INCLUDE WOMEN in the US Constitution under the Equal Rights Amendment. 2020 is the 100th Anniversary of the of the Ratification of 19th Amendment granting women the right to vote. This important legislation does not go far enough.

The INTENT of the Equal Rights Amendment is CLEAR: "ON ACCOUNT OF SEX."

Now we need to go the extra mile & finish what we started. All we need is one more state to make this happen.

Be 4 Women.

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