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Hostile Work Environments & Workplace Harassment. Publish the ERA

The Equal Rights Amendment will give Women Equal protection of ALL LAWS & help fill in the gaps for working women where Federal Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Laws leave off.

Discrimination against Women is not only ACCEPTED in some parts of Society but is also REWARDED, such as Rap Music that creates HOSTILE PROPAGANDA. that CREATES Hostile Work Environments.

Women have had to endure 30 years of HATE SPEECH from Black Rappers that color the opinions of their listeners - including Employers & fellow Colleagues & Co-Workers.

When I complain about Rappers calling Women BITCH - that is the CLEAN VERSION, it gets MUCH WORSE than the "B-word."

Just what do you think that might be?

There are entire organizations that exist to "stop Hate," such as the Anti-Defamation League.

We've seen this Online in the Asian Community to "Stop Asian Hate."

Yet the public has accepted that it is "OK" to SLANDER WOMEN & spew discriminatory, defamatory HATE SPEECH in Black Music.

Black Music has been argued on a First Amendment basis, but Free Speech has NEVER protected obscenity.

There is even a push in the Music Industry to pass the Rap Act that would protect DISCRIMINATION.


On what planet is this OK???


This is perhaps the MOST GLARING EXAMPLE of WHY WOMEN still need the protection of the Equal Rights Amendment.

So I will end out the month of July with the announcement of a new page on my Website to SPECIFICALLY HIGHLIGHT Workplace Hostility.

I am opening the Page with several Stories of NIGHTMARE SEXIST JOBS I've had over the years that I will add to with links to Posts that reflect Job Discrimination specifically.

American Women do actually have protections from Job Discrimination & Hostile Workplace provisions from the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, but how do you ENFORCE any of these provisions when PROPAGANDA IN BLACK MUSIC is accepted, applauded & rewarded???

According to the EEOC's definition of Sexual Harassment, "Harassment does not have to be of a sexual nature, however, and can include offensive remarks about a person's sex, including the person's sexual orientation, gender identity, or pregnancy. For example, it is illegal to harass a woman by making offensive comments about women in general."

Speaking of jobs, I haven't been creating a lot of new content the Revolving Door HR for a while now, as this page has never made me a dollar for the entire time I've been doing this since 2017.

I opened the page on Women's Equality Day on August 26, of 2016, published my Book, "Yes, I'd Like to Thank the Academy: How to Tame the Red Carpet in YOUR Office," on Amazon on July 4th 2017 & had my first Blog Post on that same day July 4, 2017.

All of these factors speak to Job Discrimination & Harassments in the workplace.

In fact the NAME itself is a nod to the Job Market & what a NIGHTMARE it has been to try to support myself as a single woman.

This Webpage & Blog have been more like "hobby-Blogging for FREE on Social Media" that has COST ME MONEY than a business., so I am gearing up to do Insurance again this year.

(God help me.)

That having been said, I will ALWAYS push for the Publication of the already-ratified Equal Rights Amendment.

Not just for the sake of Women's History, but for our Present & our Future.

Garbage like this AFFECTS ALL WOMEN & I HAVE HAD IT.


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