Some Women Need Abortions: ALL WOMEN NEED EQUALITY. Publish the Equal Rights Amendment.
UPDATE. The Media is duty bound to FAIRLY report the News WITHOUT BIAS, without PREJUDICE & without trying Cases such as Abortion in the "Court of Public Opinion," yet their near-total black-out of Coverage for the EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT played a pivotal role in the SABOTAGE of Women's Rights.
ALL of the Networks made the Editorial Decision to block ANY NEWS of the ERA, which has been the Law of the Land since January of 2020.
The only remaining piece is PUBLICATION into an updated Constitution, giving the Courts - including the Supreme Court - their road map they MUST FOLLOW in deciding cases.
The "#Media" is COMPLICT in stripping #Women of our #ConstitutionalRights
#JournalisticMalpractice falls under #LibelLaw: FAILURE to #Verify, #ActualMalice & #RecklessDisregardForTheTruth - same as their WILFULL NEGLECT of covering the already-Ratified #EqualRightsAmendment.
Historically, Women's Health including Abortion & Birth Control have been used as a DISTRACTION & a polarizing issue that distracts the public from the real issue affecting AMERICAN WOMEN today:
American Women don't have Constitutional Equality.
Without the Equal Rights Amendment the only Constitutionally guaranteed Right we WOMEN have is the Right to Vote
Political Positioning of Religion during 2016 & 2020 Elections & Conservative Christians control of Supreme Court to over-turn Roe/Abortion was goal all along - the EXACT SAME Power Struggle that shaped the Collection of Short Stories known as the Christian Bible.
Sexism & Misogyny have been around since the dawn of time & even with all of our modern advances in every area of life some 2000 years later, WOMEN still face discrimination & prejudice solely because we are WOMEN.