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  • Writer's picturelisaannettestanley

State of the Union 2022. Madam President? PUBLISH ERA 4 Women's History Month

Women's History Month is March 1 - March 31 every year. This evening is the Presidential State of the Union Address when the President of the United States reports back to the American People on where our Country stands on any number of issues that affect us all.

From where I'm standing, the State of the Union for American WOMEN is STILL infuriatingly that of Second-Class Citizen.

Biden has FAILED to keep his Campaign Promise to WOMEN.

An Executive Order to the National Archivist on the First Day of Women's History Month to PUBLISH THE EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT would go a long way to boost his Approval Rating among Women.

Don't think the ERA still MATTERS?

Publication of the Equal Rights Amendment into the US Constitution would expressly PROHIBIT DISCRIMINATION BASED ON ACCOUNT OF SEX then all else would fall into place.

Slanderous Hate Speech against Women

Hate Crimes against Women - Rape, Murder, Domestic Violence

Income Inequality

March 1st in Texas is also our Texas Primary. I am so pissed off at the entire process, just let me know who's on the Ballot in November.

I will vote in the General Election.

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