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  • Writer's picturelisaannettestanley

Unsportsman-like Behavior at the Final Four for Easter

Yesterday was Easter Sunday 2021 & the March Madness continues.

The final game of the NCAA's Final Four is tonight.

Names Matter.

Words Matter.

Numbers Matter.

Final Four.

Final Four.

Final Four.

Did the GIRLS GO somewhere???


This is such a BLATANT MISOGYNISTIC ATTACK ON WOMEN & not only is it not denounced as such, it is CELEBRATED in Society.

It is glorified UNSPORTSMAN-LIKE BEHAVIOR on a National scale. Does anyone get the fact that this is Institutionalized MISOGYNY???

I have written about Unsportsman-like Behavior many times in this Blog.

I have an entire Chapter in "Yes, I'd Like to Thank the Academy: How to Tame the Red Carpet in YOUR Office" on UNSPORTSMAN-LIKE BEHAVIOR.

In fact I was surprised that I haven't created a Blog Category for this yet. I will spend a few minutes this morning Cross-Referencing a Sports Category for Posts like these:

Rose Bowl Parade

Good Sportsmanship

Team Work

For ideas on how to fix this garbage for 100% of EVERYONE, get "Yes, I'd Like to Thank the Academy: How to Tame the Red Carpet in YOUR Office"

$7 Digital Download

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