Mar 14, 2020
Can PEOPLE Wear Their SLANDEROUS Hate Speech? Yes. Women's History Month Day 14 Part 2
We look to the "News" to inform us about the world around us - to give us the information we need to know. The goal is to INFORM the...

Mar 14, 2020
Women's History Month Day 14
UPDATE. The 19th Amendment was only the beginning. We still have work to do. The Equal Rights Amendment has just been Ratified into...

Mar 13, 2020
Women Are Electable If We Vote For Them. Women's History Month
Bullying is a problem Sexism is a problem Racism is a problem Intolerance is a Problem This has got to stop It seems to me that people...

Mar 12, 2020
Our Best Tribute is to Finish the Work They Began. Women's History Month
2020 is the 100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment granting WOMEN the Right to Vote. Alice Paul recognized that Voting Rights were not...

Mar 11, 2020
30 Days of Discrimination Towards WOMEN. Womens History Month
UPDATE. Income Inequality & Workplace Harassment were the biggest part of my inspiration for doing what I do. The Paycheck Fairness Act...

Mar 10, 2020
Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Declaration of Sentiments. Women's History Month
Like legislators of today, when a proposed Bill doesn't go far enough or sometimes goes too far, Elizabeth Cady Stanton recognized the...

Mar 9, 2020
Protection From H8te Speech. Ratify the ERA Now. Women's History Month
UPDATE. A record number of WOMEN vying for the 2020 Democratic Presidential Primary have just dropped out of the running. We are down to...

Mar 8, 2020
1984. Backwards From the Beginning. NUMBERS Matter
UPDATE. On this International Women's Day & early into Women's History Month here in the States, things like this are part of WHY WOMEN...

Mar 7, 2020
Big Brother is Watching. Just Not at the Alley Theater. Women’s History Month Day 7
With Texas just having voted in our 2020 Presidential Primary with a record number of WOMEN running to be our 46th President & the start...

Mar 7, 2020
Clear Need for Equal Rights. Misogynistic TV Attack Ads. Women's History Month
UPDATE. We study our past to improve our present & future. The failure to Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment into our US Constitution...