Feb 14, 2020
Next Level Thinking. The Word is PREJUDICE. 2/14/2020
UPDATE Valentines Day 2020. Today will be about Chocolates & Flowers. Yesterday was a major victory for the Equal Rights Amendment. Yes,...

Feb 13, 2020
Misogyny IS Hate Speech. Why We Need the Equal Rights Amendment
We study History to improve our lives in the present and future. The history of the Equal Rights Amendment & the failure of all 50...

Feb 12, 2020
2001 A Space Odyssey. Fixing the Hal 9000. Techno-Hell Continues
The Hal 9000, the main antagonist in Stanley Kubrick's 2001 A Space Odyssey gave foreboding of a fictional world when computers, robots &...

Feb 10, 2020
Chapter One. "Yes I'd Like to Thank the Academy"
Win an Oscar yesterday??? Me neither - a quick check of my bank account will verify that fact even if my name was called. How do we...

Feb 9, 2020
HollyWeird & the Inexplicable Rise of Donald Trump
Bullies by definition have ZERO Emotional Intelligence: treating others as we would like to be treated. The truly disturbing thing about...

Feb 7, 2020
National Prayer Breakfast 2020
What would Jesus Do? Perhaps Mitt Romney knows. The only Republican to search his soul for the right thing to do: stand with Democrats...

Feb 5, 2020
Impeachment. Conflict of Interest in the Unethical Senate
Conflict of Interest is a fundamental principle of ETHICS that should be avoided at all costs in the name of FAIRNESS. Ethics have a...

Feb 4, 2020
Gaslighting Equals Victim Blaming
The Apprentice President who BULLIED his way onto the Republican Ticket in 2016 continues his UNETHICAL backwards bullying of anyone who...

Feb 4, 2020
State of the Union: When We Cut Off Our Nose to Spite Our Face
the biggest bully on the planet goes to Washington. RDHR seeks to change that. Hillary Clinton was the only Presidential Candidate who...

Feb 4, 2020
World CANcer Day
My Mom Brenda Annette Stanley died of CANcer on August 12, 2012 just shy of turning 70 years old. I think one of the saddest things I've...