Nov 7, 2020
I Am a #HealthCAREVoter Because...Election2020 #CountEveryVote
Individuals like myself will be breathing a sigh of relief once President Biden is Sworn into Office in January. Election results in...

Nov 4, 2020
Why the Fairness Doctrine Matters. Election 2020. Count Every Vote
This morning, every single American who cast their Vote in Election 2020 is patiently waiting for the Final Count. With the exception of...

Nov 1, 2020
Emotional Intelligence as a Social Science
Civility. Decency. Respect. Integrity. They all seem like pretty easy concepts to understand. So why are they lacking in today's...

Oct 31, 2020
13. Really. Treats No Tricks. Election 2020
I decided to dress my Halloween Blog with the Mona Lisa again this year. With a Record Number of Americans having already Voted Early I...

Oct 24, 2020
Slandering WOMEN as a Class of People on the RAT Channel. Election 2020 Halloween Edition
Women need Ratification of the #EqualRightsAmendment to protect us from Hate Speech & Bullying of all kinds when we turn on the TV. On...

Oct 22, 2020
The Apprentice President. Stop Playing Games With ObamaCARE. Election 2020
As a Health Insurance Agent of 14 years in good standing, who is Duty-Bound by #ETHICS, I could not be more furious about the...

Oct 19, 2020
Bullying Prevention Month. Vote Like Our Nation Depends On It. Election 2020
Present Traumatic Stress, or CTS, is becoming a real phenomenon as a result of the daily viscous verbal assaults from the Bully-In-Chief...

Oct 17, 2020
Women Are on the March Again to Save RBG's Supreme Court Seat
This morning Houston Women will once again be joining the March to Protest the UNETHICAL Power Grab currently happening in the Senate to...

Oct 15, 2020
Respect. Bleeping Profanity at the Grammy Awards
UPDATE. Radio IS my Family Business, a FACT that I have not benefitted from one IOATA. Yesterday, 10/14/2020 was the Billboard Music...

Oct 14, 2020
Abortion Care IS Health CARE. Why We NEED Separation of Church & State
Texas has the dubious distinction in leading the Nation in attacks on Health CARE of all kinds, including Women's access to Abortions,...