Jul 17, 2020
The Women's Bible. Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
First Lady Elanor Roosevelt once said "Great Minds discuss Ideas. Average Minds discuss Events. Small Minds discuss People." Elizabeth...

Jul 16, 2020
Equal Means Equal. The Movie
Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment, the culmination of a lifetime's work on the part of millions of Women & dozens of...

Jul 15, 2020
Voting Rights & Gender. 14th Amendment. 15th Amendment. 19th Amendment
Texans went to the Polls yesterday to decide the final Ballots for which Candidates will be in the running for our National Elections in...

Jul 14, 2020
"The Vote: A Conversation on Women’s Suffrage” With Special Guest Secretary Hillary Rodham Clin
This important Documentary Series sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities & produced by the American Experience for the...

Jul 13, 2020
Elizabeth Cady Stanton. The Mother of the Women's Rights Movement
When I say Elizabeth Cady Stanton was the Mother of the Women's Rights Movement, boy was she. As the Mother of 7 children, Stanton...

Jul 12, 2020
Think the Equal Rights Amendment Doesn't MATTER?
Think the #EqualRightsAmendment doesn't MATTER? "Good" Morning America Sunday just had the NERVE to do a story on "Mom Rage." #Rage is...

Jul 11, 2020
The First Women's Rights Convention at Seneca Falls
Women's Rights, Equal Rights & Voting Rights for WOMEN under the 19th Amendment all had their origin due to the efforts of Elizabeth Cady...

Jul 10, 2020
Vote Like Your Life Depends On It. Because it Does. Covid19 Edition
I've been saying this since the Mid-Term Elections back in 2018. Back then it was with respect to ObamaCARE & the attacks on Health Care....

Jul 5, 2020
Abolitionists Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Frederick Douglas. July 4th Weekend 2020
Primary Author & champion of the Women's Rights Movement, Elizabeth Cady Stanton began her Political career as an Abolitionist,...

Jul 4, 2020
Let Freedom Ring. Happy Independence Day from Revolving Door HR
The Fourth of July is the SINGLE MOST MISOGYNISTIC DATE on the American Holiday Calendar. I wonder who will be Bar-B-Qued, Grilled,...