May 5, 2020
Happy Cinco de Mayo???
10:34am Central Standard Time. This is what I shared from Facebook Memories on my personal Facebook Page this morning from 7 Years Ago....

May 4, 2020
Pregnancy as a Disability. Sexism in the Health CARE Industry
Being a Feminist with an interest in Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment and with May being #DisabilityAwarenessMonth, I thought I...

May 3, 2020
"Taking the Dis Out of Disability with Emotional Intelligence." Because Every Life is a
UPDATE. Texas was one of the first States to re-open for Business during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The World is still scrambling for Cures &...

May 1, 2020
May is Disability Awareness Month
As a Health & Life Insurance Agent of more than 13 years now, I speak a lot in terms of Philosophy of Health Care Funding. This is a...

Apr 30, 2020
Unfit For Office. Covid19 Disinfectant Remarks Proof the 25th Amendment SHOULD Have Been Enough
The 2020 Election is just around the corner and as if there hasn't been enough Public PROOF that the 25th Amendment SHOULD have been...

Apr 27, 2020
Unable to Score a Free Mask? I Gotcha Covered.
Social Responsibility. Some people just don't get it. The Houston/Harris County Executive Order mandating the wearing of Face Masks in...

Apr 24, 2020
Ramadan. The Muslim Holy Month During Covid-19. WHY We Need Separation of Church and State
People Are Individuals. People Are Individuals. People Are Individuals. People Are Individuals. I can't say it enough. When we learn to...

Apr 23, 2020
Responsibly Sourced. Ethically priced. Introducing Covid-19 Face Masks in Revolving Door HR Store
The Covid-19 Face Mask. The New Medically-Necessary Fashion Accessory of 2020 is now available in the Revolving Door HR Store. Until the...

Apr 19, 2020
Constitutional Rights Come With Tremendous Responsibilities
The 19th Amendment granted American Women the Right to Vote but we still don't have Equal Rights in this Country. What people need to...

Apr 17, 2020
Surviving Covid19 for All Faiths with Emotional Intelligence
If your Social Media Memories are anything like mine, you will remember that this week last year in 2019 was the wrap-up of Holy Week for...