Feb 5, 2020
Impeachment. Conflict of Interest in the Unethical Senate
Conflict of Interest is a fundamental principle of ETHICS that should be avoided at all costs in the name of FAIRNESS. Ethics have a...

Feb 4, 2020
Gaslighting Equals Victim Blaming
The Apprentice President who BULLIED his way onto the Republican Ticket in 2016 continues his UNETHICAL backwards bullying of anyone who...

Feb 4, 2020
State of the Union: When We Cut Off Our Nose to Spite Our Face
the biggest bully on the planet goes to Washington. RDHR seeks to change that. Hillary Clinton was the only Presidential Candidate who...

Feb 4, 2020
World CANcer Day
My Mom Brenda Annette Stanley died of CANcer on August 12, 2012 just shy of turning 70 years old. I think one of the saddest things I've...

Feb 3, 2020
Gender Inclusion at Super Bowl LIV
Budweiser gets it. Gender Inclusion isn't about Gender Dominance. It's about Equality. When we learn to recognize that PEOPLE are...

Feb 2, 2020
Super Bowl? Super Stop It
Passive-Aggression in the public is a problem. Anger Management in the public is a problem. Road Raging in the public is a problem....

Feb 1, 2020
Advertising Hall of Shame: MD Anderson Cancer Center. How Many Do I Want in the FIGHT of My Life?
Passive-Aggression in the public is a problem. Anger Management in the public is a problem. Road Raging in the public is a problem....

Jan 31, 2020
Quid Pro Quo and ETHICAL Standards for Insurance Agents. #ImpeachDonaldTrump
When Health Insurance Agents like myself are held to a Higher Ethical Standard than the "Leader of the Free World" we have more than a...

Jan 21, 2020
"Russia, if you're listening the American people need to know 'Where did the Senate'
In full view of the American People, no investigation required the "Real Donald Trump" Solicited Foreign Interference into our Elections...

Jan 19, 2020
Racing. Unifying or Divisive???
UPDATE. While I have NEVER RACED A DAY IN MY LIFE, the Chevron Houston Marathon is today in Downtown Houston. The first running of the...