Oct 11, 2018
PreExisting Conditions. Putting the CARING Back In Health CARE
Each & every one of us is one accident away from becoming a PreExisting Condition ourselves. Let's think for a minute what that means. ...

Oct 10, 2018
The Bully In Chief has ZERO Emotional Intelligence
The #ApprenticePresident continues his victory tour across the country, whipping his "Base" into a frenzy & FAILING to unite a divided...

Oct 8, 2018
Apple Lisa. Personal Computing & Personal Privacy
UPDATE. The UNETHICAL Republican RUSH to confirm a questionable appointee to the Supreme Court spoke to several fundamental Rights of US...

Oct 7, 2018
UNETHICAL Republican Rush to Confirm INJUSTICE KavaNO
Ethics are a Moral Standard higher than what is or is not legal. Justice was NOT served yesterday in the UNETHICAL Republican rush to...

Oct 6, 2018
KavaNO Must Recuse Like ATTY General Sessions
In a Historical National DISGRACE, the Republicans who ENABLED A BULLY to commandeer the Republican Party in 2016, RAILROADED a...

Oct 6, 2018
Presumption of Innocence VS Fitness for Office
Senator Susan Collins decision to confirm Judge Brett #KavaNO to sit on the Supreme Court based on a "Presumption of Innocence" appears...

Oct 5, 2018
Snakes. Genesis 3
Misogyny has it's roots in the Bible with Eve being blamed for Original Sin. Genesis 3 details the moment in the Bible when Eve gained...

Oct 4, 2018
47 Reasons to Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment
UPDATE: In the middle of the #SupremeMessInTheSupremeCourt some GENIUS decided to name October FOURTH as "National Taco Day." This is...

Oct 3, 2018
This is Not a Test. There's a LUNATIC in the White House
The #ApprenticePresident having his itchy-trigger finger poised over the Nuclear Button, bombarding the American People on a daily basis...

Oct 1, 2018
Help Fund This Critical Mission. Give to the Revolving Door Store
Seeking Corporate Sponsors, Corporate Partners & Individual Donations/Investments to fund the critical mission of ending Bullying. When...