Sep 30, 2018
Ethics Reform in the Broadcast Industry
The FACT that a Cartoon Character has made it into the Oval Office PROOVES that the people who need Ethics Training are the TV & Radio...

Sep 29, 2018
CE: Mandatory Bi-Annual Ethics Training & Recertification
UPDATE. Once again entering into my Recertification period, I think the thing that bothers me the most about what's going on in our...

Sep 28, 2018
Executive Level Decision on Network TV
Yesterday's Senate Judicial Committee hearing on the #ApprenticePresident 's pick to fill the recently vacated seat on the Supreme Court...

Sep 24, 2018
Numbers Matter. How Long Has This Been Going On?
UPDATE: Numbers-based MISOGYNY cost Hillary Clinton the Election. How are WOMEN to blame for the Calendar? We're not. Below is a link...

Sep 22, 2018
De-Bunking Freudian Psychology
There have GOT TO BE people wayyyyyyyy smarter than me out there that can figure this out. I didn't go to Stanford or Harvard or Yale...

Sep 10, 2018
47 Reasons to Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment
UPDATE: Is referring to the #ApprenticePresident as "45" in a derogatory fashion a Racial Slur? If it is intended as an insult, yes. Yes...

Sep 7, 2018
Middle America Will Remember This in the Mid-terms
UPDATE: #CallTheSenate12022243121 Balancing the Budget & restructuring Taxes did NOT have to be done at the expense of the American...

Sep 6, 2018
Moral Standard of Providing Health Care in the US. Philosophy of Health Care Funding for ObamaCARE
Stunning that Ken Paxton, Attorney General of a state whose Governor himself is wheelchair-bound with a PreExisting Condition, could be...

Sep 5, 2018
UPDATE: HAPPENING NOW. PreExisting Conditions are under attack in a Fort Worth courtroom this morning. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton...

Sep 4, 2018
Watching Her Wake Up on Her Deathbed. Happy Birthday Brenda Annette Stanley 9/4/1942
UPDATE: Born in poverty, the highest level of Education Mom ever attained was a High School Diploma. One of the saddest things I’ve ever...