May 15, 2020
Misogyny is a Problem in America. Buy a Book that Actually Helps. On Sale Now
While everyone is Voluntarily Sheltering in Place, now would be a good time to learn something. Buy a Book that actually helps. EBooks...

May 12, 2020
Happy Birthday Florence Nightingale. International Nurse's Day
Thank You Health Care Professionals who are the front lines of protecting the Public Health. With Health care being in the forefront of...

May 11, 2020
Equality Knows No Religion. Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment NOW
Yesterday was Mother's Day in the US. Americans from all walks of life took time out to honor their Moms they love. Maternal Love is...

May 10, 2020
Happy Mother's Day, Yes, Even in a Crisis
All of us were brought into this world by our Moms. I'm a little late posting this morning as I've had tears of Joy streaming down my...

May 6, 2020
Happy National Nurses Day. And Happy Cinco De Ramadan. ObamaCARE SAVES Lives
UPDATE. Happy Cinco De Ramadan??? Sound ridiculous? It is. And with what is going on in this country with the systemic dismantling of...

May 5, 2020
Happy Cinco de Mayo???
10:34am Central Standard Time. This is what I shared from Facebook Memories on my personal Facebook Page this morning from 7 Years Ago....

May 4, 2020
Pregnancy as a Disability. Sexism in the Health CARE Industry
Being a Feminist with an interest in Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment and with May being #DisabilityAwarenessMonth, I thought I...

May 3, 2020
"Taking the Dis Out of Disability with Emotional Intelligence." Because Every Life is a
UPDATE. Texas was one of the first States to re-open for Business during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The World is still scrambling for Cures &...

May 1, 2020
May is Disability Awareness Month
As a Health & Life Insurance Agent of more than 13 years now, I speak a lot in terms of Philosophy of Health Care Funding. This is a...

Apr 30, 2020
Unfit For Office. Covid19 Disinfectant Remarks Proof the 25th Amendment SHOULD Have Been Enough
The 2020 Election is just around the corner and as if there hasn't been enough Public PROOF that the 25th Amendment SHOULD have been...