Mar 20, 2020
Votes By Mail During Covid-19. Women's History Month
There is never a good time to have a Global Health Emergency, but the Covid-19 Crisis happening during the American Political Primary...

Mar 19, 2020
The 19th Amendment Granted WOMEN the Right to Vote. Forecasting EQUALITY 4 Women's History Month
We look to the News for Information about what's going on in the world around us. For March 19th, I decided to drive home the point why...

Mar 18, 2020
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, Nightmare Jobs Edition 2020. Women's History Month
UPDATE for Women's History Month. Just as PEOPLE are Individuals, not all jobs are created equal but they should be. I've worked for...

Mar 17, 2020
Door Knocking? Stop Knocking and Start Ringing
Door knocking. Pounding the Pavement. Canvassing. Prospecting. Whatever you call it, it's used in Grassroots Campaigns of all kinds....

Mar 16, 2020
My Recent Foray into Houston's Own Little Africa, Take This Job & Shove It Edition. Women
UPDATE. Income Inequality for Women is the #1 reason for opening this web page. People are Individuals, but people cannot see my...

Mar 15, 2020
Does the Equal Rights Amendment Still Matter? Yes. Yes It Does. Here's Why. Women's Histor
Hate Speech against Women in the form of Rap Music on Black Radio Stations is shaping the Attitudes & Opinions of the Voting Population

Mar 14, 2020
Can PEOPLE Wear Their SLANDEROUS Hate Speech? Yes. Women's History Month Day 14 Part 2
We look to the "News" to inform us about the world around us - to give us the information we need to know. The goal is to INFORM the...

Mar 14, 2020
Women's History Month Day 14
UPDATE. The 19th Amendment was only the beginning. We still have work to do. The Equal Rights Amendment has just been Ratified into...

Mar 13, 2020
Women Are Electable If We Vote For Them. Women's History Month
Bullying is a problem Sexism is a problem Racism is a problem Intolerance is a Problem This has got to stop It seems to me that people...

Mar 12, 2020
Our Best Tribute is to Finish the Work They Began. Women's History Month
2020 is the 100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment granting WOMEN the Right to Vote. Alice Paul recognized that Voting Rights were not...