Apr 27, 2020
Unable to Score a Free Mask? I Gotcha Covered.
Social Responsibility. Some people just don't get it. The Houston/Harris County Executive Order mandating the wearing of Face Masks in...

Apr 19, 2020
Constitutional Rights Come With Tremendous Responsibilities
The 19th Amendment granted American Women the Right to Vote but we still don't have Equal Rights in this Country. What people need to...

Apr 15, 2020
Philosophy of Health CARE Funding. Churches Should Pay Taxes. 4/15/2020
April 15th. Everyone's favorite day: Income Tax Day. Thankfully, the IRS Deadline for US Citizens to file our Income Tax Return has...

Apr 1, 2020
30 Days of Discrimination Towards WOMEN
UPDATE April 15th is Income Tax Day. Is it OK to "attack Women on income Tax day" particularly when the FACT is that the Legislators who...

Mar 31, 2020
47 Reasons to Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment
People are Individuals. People are Individuals. People are Individuals. People are Individuals. People are Individuals. People are...

Mar 28, 2020
Equality Equals Peaceful Coexistence. Corona Virus Edition. Women's History Month
UPDATE. Numbers. It seems those terrible numbers have always been part of our past. Why do they need to keep being part of our present...

Mar 27, 2020
Practical Application of Lessons Learned. Women's History Month
UPDATE. Equality for Women remains a struggle today & is the primary reason we do still need Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment....

Mar 24, 2020
Broadcasters on March 24th. Women's History Month
We look to the "News" to provide us information about the World around us. We TRUST that the information presented will be Fair,...

Mar 24, 2020
Be 4 Equality. Women's History Month
EQUALITY. It's about Inclusion, not Exclusion. It is TIME to INCLUDE WOMEN in the US Constitution under the Equal Rights Amendment. 2020...

Mar 22, 2020
Buy a Book that Actually Helps. On Sale Now. Women's History Month
While everyone is Voluntarily Sheltering in Place, now would be a good time to learn something. Buy a Book that actually helps. EBooks...