Nov 15, 2020
Under Construction & I Don't Mean Maybe
Starting, Operating & Running a Small Business is hard enough under the best of conditions, particularly when you have a Staff of One....

Nov 14, 2020
404 Page Error on iPhone and Android. Fixing the Hal 9000
UPDATE. My Blog has a New Address this morning https://lisaannettestanley.wixsite.com/revolvingdoor/blog The change of address happened...

Nov 13, 2020
Happy World Kindness Day
This Friday the 13th let's put the emphasis on #WorldKindnessDay. Traditionally, Friday the 13th is filled with jokes about Bad Luck &...

Nov 12, 2020
Win a CMA Yesterday? Election 2020 Edition
Me Neither. A quick check of my bank account will verify that. Now. About all of those "Selfies." They are making people Selfish....

Nov 11, 2020
Happy Veterans Day Ladies
While we Democrats didn't get the massive #BlueWave we were hoping for in Election 2020 we are so Thankful that President-Elect Biden &...

Nov 10, 2020
ObamaCARE, MediCARE & Medicaid Save Lives. Save Our Care
This morning the Supreme Court will hear arguments with respect to the Constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, affectionately known...

Nov 7, 2020
I Am a #HealthCAREVoter Because...Election2020 #CountEveryVote
Individuals like myself will be breathing a sigh of relief once President Biden is Sworn into Office in January. Election results in...

Nov 4, 2020
Why the Fairness Doctrine Matters. Election 2020. Count Every Vote
This morning, every single American who cast their Vote in Election 2020 is patiently waiting for the Final Count. With the exception of...

Nov 1, 2020
Emotional Intelligence as a Social Science
Civility. Decency. Respect. Integrity. They all seem like pretty easy concepts to understand. So why are they lacking in today's...

Oct 31, 2020
13. Really. Treats No Tricks. Election 2020
I decided to dress my Halloween Blog with the Mona Lisa again this year. With a Record Number of Americans having already Voted Early I...