Mar 11, 2020
30 Days of Discrimination Towards WOMEN. Womens History Month
UPDATE. Income Inequality & Workplace Harassment were the biggest part of my inspiration for doing what I do. The Paycheck Fairness Act...

Mar 8, 2020
1984. Backwards From the Beginning. NUMBERS Matter
UPDATE. On this International Women's Day & early into Women's History Month here in the States, things like this are part of WHY WOMEN...

Mar 7, 2020
Big Brother is Watching. Just Not at the Alley Theater. Women’s History Month Day 7
With Texas just having voted in our 2020 Presidential Primary with a record number of WOMEN running to be our 46th President & the start...

Mar 7, 2020
Clear Need for Equal Rights. Misogynistic TV Attack Ads. Women's History Month
UPDATE. We study our past to improve our present & future. The failure to Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment into our US Constitution...

Mar 6, 2020
Material Misrepresentation of Facts. Women's History Month
UPDATE. The concept of "Material Misrepresentation comes straight out of Ethics 101. This concept is very much akin to 'Deliberate...

Mar 5, 2020
Can Public Officials Be SLANDERED? Yes They Can. Women's History Month
UPDATE. When we look to the nightly news we trust that the information has been VERIFIED & is based on Facts, not Rumors. This is...

Mar 4, 2020
Madam President? Women's History Month Day 4
UPDATE. While American women are waiting for the National Archivist to enter the Equal Rights Amendment to the books officially making...

Mar 3, 2020
HealthCARE, DACA, Global Warming. Women's History Month
UPDATE. Vote like your Life depends on it. Because it does. Today is Primary Day for the Democratic Primary in 14 States, including...

Feb 25, 2020
Heavenly Tacos? When Food Gets Political
Step inside these doors for Heavenly Tacos with a Political bite. The Democrat, The Republican & the Independent are but three...

Feb 24, 2020
“H.E.B-ing” a Good Corporate Citizen
7:43 Central Standard Time. So happy yesterday grocery shopping at Texas’ largest Grocery Retailer, H.E.B. This stopped me in my tracks &...