Jun 13, 2023
On This Day June 13, 1866 Congress Passes 14th Amendment. PUBLISH ERA
The already-Ratified Equal Rights Amendment FIXES the slap-in-the-face to all American WOMEN that is the 14th Amendment. It would take...

Jun 10, 2023
Emotional Intelligence Equals Equality. End Discrimination on ACCOUNT of Sex
ENCORE PRESENTATION. Racism. Sexism. Antisemitism. Islamophobia. Xenophobia. Homophobia. Transphobia. Misogyny. Misogynoir. All are...

Jun 1, 2023
The Charismatic Great-Deceiver Walks Among Us Today
June. The Sixth Month of the year. And earlier this year the newest EVIL INVENTION - Artificial Intelligence has just been unleashed into...

May 14, 2023
Give Moms What We Really Want for Mother's Day: E.R.A
ERA for Mother's Day isn't just some cutsie little slogan. The Equal Rights Amendment will give WOMEN a Constitutional Basis for EVERY...

May 5, 2023
PUBLISH the Equal Rights Amendment to End REVERSE RACISM for Cinco de Mayo
Welcome to the Month of May, the 5th Month on the Calendar or "Cinco" to Spanish-Speakers. ANYONE CAN BE PREJUDICE - even to the point of...

May 4, 2023
May the 4th Be with Mom. PUBLISH the Equal Rights Amendment
ENCORE PRESENTATION. Give Mom what she really wants for Mother's Day on this May the 4th & every day: Constitutional Equality under the...

May 3, 2023
The Equal Rights Amendment will SAVE Abortion Rights. PUBLISH ERA
UPDATE. State-Sponsored MISOGYNY & Political Theater on the part of Biden & Harris have allowed the erosion of Women's Rights to Bodily...

Apr 30, 2023
April 30th. Now is the Time to Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment
UPDATE. Some Conspiracies are not a Theory when they are happening in full-view of the Public with all of us watching. WOMEN have been...

Apr 17, 2023
PUBLISH ERA to END Misogynistic Propaganda Towards Women. Income Tax Day 2023
Income Tax Day day 2023 has been moved to April 18th again this year in an unprovoked act of State-Sponsored Misogyny & Official...

Apr 15, 2023
30 Days of Discrimination Towards WOMEN. PUBLISH the Equal Rights Amendment to END Sexism
UPDATE. For the second year in a row under the Biden/Harris Administration with our first so-called "Madam Vice President" Kamala Harris,...